- To authenticate business users of the application at runtime, you use the tenant-aware Application Router application and SAP Authorization and Trust Management service (xsuaa) in SAP BTP.
- Furthermore, you defined custom Assertion Attributes in Customer Specific Identity Provider (IdP) for example: Employee Number as employee_number and Company as company.
- But from the approuter application/approuter-userapi service, you are not able to access to those defined Assertion Attributes defined in customer specific IdP.
- SAP Business Technology Platform, Cloud Foundry Environment
- SAP Authorization and Trust Management service
- SAP Application Router
SAP BTP, Neo environment 1.0
JWT, JWT token, Cloud Foundry, CF, xsuaa, custom saml assertion attribute, custom attribute, custom idp , KBA , BC-CP-APR , SAP BTP Application Router , BC-CP-CF-SEC-IAM , UAA, Authentication, Authorization, Trust Mgmnt , Problem
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