SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3116721 - Lazy Loading Active For Offline Surveys


Lazy loading is active for surveys even in offline mode. Your expectation is, that this should not be the case in offline mode as the information got synced.


 SAP Cloud for Customer


In offline, even though the data is synced, the data is not available in the client. Instead it will be available in the device data base (DB) which needs to be fetched.

To prevent performance issues during the initial load of a survey, we have implemented lazy loading. Currently there is no flag to turn this off.


Currently this is an expected behaviour.

See Also

KBA 2709363 - The Performance is Very Slow While Loading Multiple Products Within a Survey


lazy loading, long loading time, performance, survey, offline, , KBA , LOD-LE-SUR-EXE , Survey execution = runtime , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2108