When you are installing the primary application server for standard system with option SAPINST_STACK_XML in SWPM, there is an error occurred. You can find the following error in the sapinst_dev.log:
TRACE 2222-11-32 00:00:00.170 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [SLPGuiEngine.cpp:214] SLPGuiEngine::showMessageBoxHandleButtonImpl()
An error occurred while processing option <XXXX> Primary Application Server Instance (Last error reported by the step: PPMS product version ID could not be retrieved from <DIRECTORY>. SOLUTION: Ensure that you use a stack XML file enabled for Software Provisioning Manager)
SAP ABAP Standard Systems
resourcepool.xml, sapinstexe, commandline, wrong, ID, MP, UDI, PPMS, SAPINST_STACK_XML, showMessageBoxHandleButtonImpl, could not be retrieved, sapinst.exe, PAS, ASCS, maintenance planner, stack, Primary Application Server , KBA , BC-INS-SWPM , Installation with Software Provisioning Manager , BC-UPG-MP , Maintenance Planning Tools , Problem
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