- My Inbox throws an error: "Failed to resolve navigation target"
..ERROR_INFO No service found for namespace /IWPGW/, name TASKPROCESSING, version 0002.
....Text No service found for namespace /IWPGW/, name TASKPROCESSING, version 0002.
"No service found for namespace /IWPGW/, name TASKPROCESSING, version 0002 - Other errors shown:
The Console Error in the browser shows a lot of back to back errors like:
-Failed to load resource: the server responded with error 400 (error)
- Failed to laod resource: the server responded with a status 500 (Internal Server error)
- Failed to update data via service - service URL: /sap/opu/odata/IWPGW/TASKPROCESSING; v=2; mo/TaskCollection/$count/?filter=Status eq 'READY' or Status eq 'RESERVED' or
Status eq 'IN_PROGRESS' or Status eq 'EXECUTED'
HTPP request failed - 500 internal Server Error - sap.ushell.cmponents.tiles.applauncherdynamic.DynamicTile
SAPUI5 1.84 or others
"My Inbox 2 aliases","No service found for namespace /IWPGW/","Failed to resolve navigation target","My Inbox not working","My Inbox error 400" , KBA , OPU-BSC-TGW , Task Gateway , CA-INB-FIO , Fiori UI for My Inbox Application , Problem
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