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3118207 - BeX exit variables are not applied to prompt values in the Lumira Discovery client tool


  • BeX exit variables are not displayed by default in prompt window after selecting a manual prompt value and reopening the Lumira document, instead the manually select value is disaplyed.

  • For example if the BeX query exit variable is set to "todays date - 1" (eg 19/10/21) the correct value will be displayed by default when creating the Lumira Document. However if users manually select a different prompt value (eg 15/10/21) then this manually selected value will be displayed in the prompt window when the document is next opened and refreshed.

  • The expected behavior is for the exit variable to display  (for example "todays date - 1")  as the default prompt value every time the document is opened and refreshed.



  • SAP Lumira Discovery 2.x
  • SAP BW


SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


Lumira, Discovery, BeX Exit variable, BW , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , Problem

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