How to remove interviewers from Interview Central via OData API?
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
The entity JobAppliationInterview has the designed restriction of only allowing One Interviewer per interview, meaning that, every time that we need to add a new Interviewer into the Interviews, we must create a new record on JobApplicationInterview and then assign the interviewer on the respective field.
With that in mind, to review an interviewer, works the same way, we need to remove the interview itself where that interviewer is assigned. To do that we must use the method DELETE in OData API and execute it on top of the JobApplicationInterview entity. Example:
- Two Interviewers show on the portlet:
- Upon querying the interviewers, the second existing interview has the id 977:
- Now, execute the method DELETE on the entity with the ID of that interview:
- Access the application again and you will see that the second Interviewer has been removed from the Interviews portlet on the application:
interview, remove, interviewer, portlet, delete, method, odata, api, , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-API , Webservices & APIs , How To