You created a return sales order (rSO) and from it due to the chosen follow-up activity 0007 scenario a return purchaser order (rPO) also created.
You notice that the rPO's account assignment category is R, not J like which you expect from customizing:
- SPRO - Sales and Distribution - Sales - Advanced Return Management - Specify settings at Client level ->>>> "AcctAssCat Direct Return to Supplier"
The R is found from the rSO as a simply copy to rPO.
Versions of SAP ERP, SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP (SAP HANA based) and S/4Hana where ARM is supported
KNTTP account kontierungstyp ARM VA01 MSR_D_EXECUTED VBAP VBAK , KBA , LO-ARM-INS , ARM Inspection , Problem
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