- ASE errorlog may be flooded with a lot of message "ksMuxSchedQFindTask found NULL procp, taskp 0x....." when killing parent and worker processes doing dbcc checkstorage.
- You may be able to find the following messages in the errorlog.
server Process id <spid> killed by Hostname <host name>, Host process id <host process ID>.
server Process id <spid> killed by Hostname <host name>, Host process id <host process ID>.
kernel worker <hexadecimal address>, uwwait() returned -7
server Process id <spid> killed by Hostname <host name>, Host process id <host process ID>.
kernel ksMuxSchedQFindTask found NULL procp, taskp <hexadecimal address>
kernel ksMuxSchedQFindTask found NULL procp, taskp <hexadecimal address>
kernel ksMuxSchedQFindTask found NULL procp, taskp <hexadecimal address>
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
825820, CR#825820, CR825820, ksMuxSchedQFindTask, uwwait, b_cerrlog_uio, kcerrlog , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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