- UI adaptations to certain dialogs in specific billing apps by using the Adapt UI function are lost
- These dialogs in specific billing apps are reset to their default state
- SAP Fiori launchpad destroys the persisted app state only if you navigate to the home page or any other launchpad page
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2202
SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202
Regression, lost setting, Adapting the UI, Create Billing Documents, Manage Billing Documents, Create Preliminary Billing Documents, Manage Preliminary Billing Documents, Manage Billing Document Requests, Billing Document Request, Manage Invoice Lists, , KBA , SD-FIO-BIL , Fiori UIs for Billing , SD-BIL , Billing , SD-FIO-BIL-2CL , Fiori UIs for Billing (Public Cloud) , Problem
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