While creating a support case for Application Interface Framework component (BC-SRV-AIF, CA-GTF-AIF), you would like to know which information and details are needed for efficient processing of the case. The goal of the article is to assist Customers while creating a case with SAP Product Support. To guide, speed up and in summary, to make the whole Support process as convenient as possible.
- Application Interface Framework for NetWeaver
- SAP Application Interface Framework
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
SAP Application Interface Framework, AIF, BC-SRV-AIF, CA-GTF-AIF, case, perfect case, how to create a case, details, R/3, HTTP, reproduction steps, details, business user, technical user, BAdI, debug, authorization, connection, create case, business impact, guidelines , KBA , BC-SRV-AIF , Application Interface Framework , CA-GTF-AIF , Application Interface Framework , How To
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