SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3118957 - Employee Workplace Contact Address Not Updated Automatically Upon Change of Org Unit Address


You have changed the main address of an org unit in the system, but noticed that the Workplace Contact Data address of an employee assigned to that org unit was not updated automatically.


 SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Organizational Management work center
  2. Click Edit Org Structures under Common Tasks
  3. Set the Effective From date as desired.
  4. Select org unit XYZ (where XYZ stands for an actual org unit ID).
  5. In the org unit details, under the Address tab, edit the main address as desired.
  6. Save and activate the change.
  7. Now, go to the Personnel Administration work center.
  8. Access the Employees work center view.
  9. Select an employee assigned to org unit XYZ and click Edit.
  10. Navigate to the Employment, then to the Workplace Contact Data subtab.
  11. Here, the address has not updated to the new address set for org unit XYZ.


Since there are several cases in which organizational changes are meant only as changes in the reporting line unit or manager reallocation, the employee workplace address does not change automatically when changing details in the employee's organization assignment.

This is a design decision in order to avoid incorrect changes in the employee addresses when performing minor organizational changes.


You must edit the employee address directly in the Workplace Contact Data section of the employee record.

Additionally, you can edit multiple employee's Workplace Contact Data as follows:

  1. Go to the Personnel Administration work center
  2. Access the Employees work center view
  3. In the object worklist, select multiple employees by clicking them while holding the Ctrl key pressed.
    • You can also select one employee and, while holding the Shift key press, click one employee multiple rows above or below the first one to select all employees between them.
  4. Once the selection is completed, click Actions, then select Mass Change Workplace Contact Data.
  5. Enter the new address in the fields and click Save (or Save and Close) to apply the change to all selected employees.


Workplace Contact Data, Address, Employee, Org Unit, Change, Update, Automatically , KBA , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions