- You are using SAP Cloud Integration to connect to an FTP server with FTPS protocol.
- When connecting the same is failing with error:
org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException: File operation failed: 425 Rejected data connection for transfer of "<filename>", IP addresses of control and data connection do not match
Command STOR failed with: 425 425 Rejected data connection for transfer of "<filename>", IP addresses of control and data connection do not match
. Code: 425, cause: Command STOR failed with: 425 425 Rejected data connection for transfer of "<filename>", IP addresses of control and data connection do not match
", IP addresses of control and data connection do not match""> Read more...
- SAP Cloud Integration
- SAP Integration Suite
- SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)
SAP Integration Suite all versions
FTP, FTPS, 425, IP, Rejected, Data, Connection, Command, STOR, SCI, CI, CPI, Cloud Integration, BTP , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , BC-CP-CF-ROUTING , Cloud Foundry Runtime Ingress Routing Stack , Problem
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