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3119520 - Goods Movement Bin not determined correctly in inbound delivery item as per data maintained in transaction /SCWM/GMBIN_DET


A user configured goods movement bin determination with transaction code /SCWM/GMBIN_DET for a document type, item type and warehouse, but the actual goods movement bin determined in the inbound delivery item differs from what was maintained in the transaction /SCWM/GMBIN_DET.



SCM Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)

SCM Extended Warehouse Management Delivery Processing (SCM-EWM-DLP)


SAP Extended Warehouse Management all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


/SCWM/TGMBIN_DET, INB, OUT, /SCWM/IF_EX_DLV_DET_GM_BIN, GM, storage type, det. indicator, GM bin determination, Goods Movement bin determination. , KBA , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-GM , Goods Movements (GR/GI/Reversal/Posting Change) , Problem

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