- Error 30046/30012 reported in SM21 as follows:
C ERROR: -1 in function SQLConnectWithRetry (SQLConnectWithRetry) [line 6921]
C (30046) [08S01] [SAP][ASE ODBC Driver]Connection to the server has been lost. Connection died wh
C ile reading from socket. ERRNO returned 0. Check the server to determine the sta
C tus of any open transactions.
C syb_glob.dbsl_ca.errclass set to DBSL_EC_RESTART
C ERROR: -1 in function SQLConnectWithRetry (SQLConnectWithRetry) [line 6921]
C (30012) [08001] [SAP][ASE ODBC Driver]Client unable to establish a connection
C Connection 0 failed using DRIVER={Adaptive Server Enterprise};server=fcadbdf22000;port=4901;uid=sapsa;db= <SID>;pwd=xxxxxxxxxxx;TextSize=2147483647;CRC=0;FetchArraySize=1000;ReleaseLocksOnCursorClose=1;DynamicPrepare=1;QuotedIdentifier=1;UseCursor=2;homogeneousbatch=1;charset=utf8;EncryptPassword=1;EnableLOBLocator=0;app=R3B015 10 [2]comm rd ODBC;logintimeout=30;ProtocolCapture=cap_w15_comm_rd;supresstdscontroltokens=1;SuppressRowFormat=1;SuppressParamFormat=1;
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 30046 performing CON [dbds 989]
B ***LOG BY0=> [ASE Error SQL30046:08S01][SAP][ASE ODBC Driver]Connection to the server has been lost. Connection died while reading from socket. ERRNO returned 0. Check the server to determine the status of any open transactions. [dbds 989]
- The ASE server is SSL enabled;
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
30046, 30012, ssl, SYBASE_SSL, SM21 , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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