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3120963 - Primary KBA : 'Invalid column length' message followed by stack trace - SAP ASE


  • ASE error log reports an 'Invalid column length' message.
  • Followed by a stack trace that includes keyword collocate and often also LeSubst & getnext.
  • There may be some or many messages in the log, sometimes affecting all queries on a particular table making that table unusable for application users.

  • The message can be raised with different lengths and includes the row format which is linked to the table locking scheme (APL / DOL).
  • A generic example of the message contains these elements:

    Invalid column length: <column-length>.
    Value must be between 0 and <maximum-column-length> at offset <column-offset> for '<row-format>' row with minimum row length of <minimum-column-length>."

  • Examples of each type of row format look like (the size values shown will vary)

    Invalid column length:    27. Value must be between 0 and 16 at offset -1 for 'all-pages' row with minimum row length of 10.
    Invalid column length: 8196. Value must be between 0 and 4 at offset -6 for 'data-only' row with minimum row length of 8.



SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). Not version specific.


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions


collocate+0x1d4(),  sortdes, datapage , collocate+0x1d4 , "Invalid column length" , 'all-pages' , row "minimum row length"  , "data-only"  msg 290024 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To

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