- Task with ABAP dataflow in its dataflow design never finishes, the ABAP program keeps looping forever.
- The below trace logs can be seen:
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:ABAP flow <<task name>_<dataflow name>> is started.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:Batch job <<job name> <timestamp>> is submitted. Job number is <>
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:Batch job <<job name> <timestamp>> for ABAP program <<program name>> is finished.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:ABAP flow <<task name>_<dataflow name>> is completed.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:ABAP flow <<task name>_<dataflow name>> is started.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:Batch job <<job name> <timestamp>> is submitted. Job number is <>
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:Batch job <<job name> <timestamp>> for ABAP program <<program name>> is finished.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:ABAP flow <<task name>_<dataflow name>> is completed.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:ABAP flow <<task name>_<dataflow name>> is started.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:Batch job <<job name> <timestamp>> is submitted. Job number is <>
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:Batch job <<job name> <timestamp>> for ABAP program <<program name>> is finished.
<timestamp> (<process ID>) ABAP:ABAP flow <<task name>_<dataflow name>> is completed.
... - The ABAP dataflow has transform with join.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP Cloud Integration for Data Services 1.0.11.xxxx
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
LOD-HCI-DS, CPI-DS, HCI, CI-DS, ABAP, loop, cache , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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