SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3121308 - Error "No bill/exch. presentation account defined for XXXX XXXXX XXXXX" for bill of exchange presentation


For bill of exchange presentation function, the error "No bill/exch. presentation account defined for XXXX XXXXX XXXXX" (message no. FZ918) is displayed when entering bank details of "Assign house bank".

Image/data in this document is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open "BoE Presentation" app.
  2. Enter the "Company Code" and "Individual Account".
  3. Choose "Bill of exch.list".
  4. Select the BoE posted and choose "Assign House Bank".
  5. Error "No bill/exch. presentation account defined for XXXX XXXXX XXXXX" is displayed.


No bill of exchange presentation account has been defined for this house bank account and for the bill of exchange usage selected.


Maintain the discount account and collection account in app "Manage Bank Accounts".

  1. Open app "Manage Bank Accounts".
  2. Select the bank account.
  3. Select the item under "House Bank Account Connectivity".
  4. Maintain "Bill Discount Acct" and "Collection Account" fields under "Bank Details For Returned Presentation".


FZ918, Bill of exchange, BoE presentation, Discount account, Collection account, No bill/exch. presentation account defined, Assign house bank , KBA , FI-AR-AR-H , Bill of exchange , FI-LOC-BOE , Bill of Exchange , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions