Standard BW read-out processes fail with one of the following errors:
- user is not authorized/[Request Info: Object Name = "<schema>"."0BW:BIA:<HCPR_technical_name>", FM Name = TREX_DBS_AGGREGATE] Error 2.950 has occurred in the BWA/SAP HANA server;
- exception 306003: Authorization failed in Calculation Engine. User is not authorized to 'SELECT' (Error 2.950);
- Error 258 has occurred in the BWA/SAP HANA server insufficient privilege: Detailed info for this error can be found with guid '<GUID>': line ... ;
- Return code/argument: 40117. Message: ot authorized (2950);
- ...
This type of error can occur
- for HCPRs that consume a regular HANA Calculation View (CV) on any level. The executing user is sufficiently authorized on given HCPR. The error does not specifically mention for what the authroizations are missing and for which user;
- for data models where characteristics are involved which are reading master data from a HANA Calculation View, and for OODSVs with HANA CV source. Only in non-BW4 systems, the same applies to virtual providers reading from a HANA CV;
- during the generation of the External SAP HANA view of a BW object which in some way uses HANA CV as source, e.g a BW provider with characteristics with master data access from a HANA CV (typically /ERP/* characteristics, for example);
- ...
- SAP NetWeaver
SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
"SAP<SID>", "user is not authorized", "2.950", "_HCPR_PROCESS-3-", "258", "Return code/argument: 40117. Message: ot authorized (2950)", "ot authorized (2950)" , KBA , BW-WHM-MTD-HMOD-AUT , BW2HANA authorization generation , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , BW4-ME-HMOD-AUT , BW2HANA authorization generation , Problem
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