Many customers have Active Directories and these systems generate the username for the new hire
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
Reproducing the Issue
New API is needed to allow updating the username after MPH. Irrespective if username is updated in MPH or not. (We do not want to allow update before because we use user name for new hire login purposes)
- Sequence is like this in case of Employee Central as HR Core System:
- ONB > MPH > new API (i.e. between MPH and day 1) >conversion job
- This means that the new API can be envoked after MPH submit and pre-day 1. With the conversion job running the username would then be picked up and be used instead
- This API would update the USERS_INFO table for the internal username field
- In case of external HRIS integration:
- ONB > READY_TO_HIRE > API call to mark hired (External system Id update) UpdateFromExternalHrisONB.
- User name can be passed in the UpdateFromExternalHrisONB the API. But if an AD integration is done after this and a new user name has to be updated then we would need an API
- UpdateFromExternalHrisONB > new API > conversion job would be the process flow
- This API would update the USERS_INFO table for the internal username field
- New API would be entry point as such business email could be added as well. We can keep on expanding it. User name and business email will be included right away, rest can be added later
- If the candidate has to login to their onboarding instance and update profile details or view the welcome message and so on, should the external user use the previous username? Since the username is updated only on the first day after the conversion job is picked, there should be no impact on the login username for the external user?
- If the customer has configured their system to update the username to a custom user name (for example: username will change from personal email address to business email address on the start date), what is the purpose of this API?
- Is there any other integrations that can be done to the system after the API call is sent? (for example, can they notify the IT Team to trigger internal process using the new username before the start date?)
- Could you please provide a working scenario/use case for this API
- The candidate can login using the existing credentials (existing username) until the first day. The username will only get update after the candidate is converted to an internal user by the help of the Conversion Job
- This API call is majorly useful for customers who have not configured the username to change on the start date. Additionally, scenarios where Manage Pending Hire might be completed very early in onboarding process but valid Username might not be generated using active directory service near joining date
- Since this writes to an internal table post this API other APIs can not read the data. Hence, there are no events raised after this API . The username updated in this API is only valid after start date
Working Scenario:
Set up an integration with Active Directory which updates in SF the username (for SSO) and business email address. In the current situation at the moment that someone is hired (directly in EC or through RCM), the user is created in both EP and EC. Every two hours the integration with AD is running and this integration updates the username (in EP) + business email address (in EC)Now we are deploying ONB, we are having a problem with this integration, because the EP record is not created directly once we finalize the hire process. With ONB in place the EP record is only created on the Hire date by the “Convert External User On Start Date” Job
updateUserNamePostHiring, Manage Pending Hire, API , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-ATS , ATS Integration , Problem