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3124101 - Business processes can get stuck after Daylight Saving when the auxiliary tables strategy is used


The main observation will be that business processes have come to a complete halt.

  1. All business processes are suddenly in Running state and even the first task was not executed yet. The task queue continues to grow and there is no progress at all.

  2. When executing the below query in hac, the returned value is fixed and in the past. Note that this table only exists if the auxiliary table strategy is used - more details in the Environment section below.
    select last_activity_ts from tasks_aux_scheduler
    The value should never be over 10 seconds behind the time at which the query is executed. This KBA is specifically for the case where the value is in the past and more specifically, it will correspond to the time at which the daylight saving happened (in either direction).



This issue can be observed if using an SAP Commerce Cloud version prior to one of the patch levels below:

  • 1905.32
  • 2005.16
  • 2011.11
  • 2105.1

It also only applies if an auxiliary table strategy is used to handle tasks. This is defined in by default starting 2005 in /platform/ext/processing/resources/task-spring.xml, but it may be customized:

<bean id="configurableTasksProvider" class="de.hybris.platform.task.impl.ConfigurableTasksProvider" autowire="constructor">
        <constructor-arg ref="bufferedAuxTablesTasksProvider" index="1"/>

To confirm if you are using this strategy, look for the following statement in the logs:

INFO   | jvm 1    | main    | 2020/09/18 23:00:07.932 | INFO  [Task-master-poll] [ConfigurableTasksProvider] no tasks provider defined - default tasks provider (de.hybris.platform.task.impl.BufferedAuxTablesTasksProvider) will be used

Note: This KBA does not apply if the value in the logs show de.hybris.platform.task.impl.DefaultTasksProvider. 


SAP Commerce Cloud all versions


AuxiliaryTables,Business processes, daylight saving , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-CKP-COR , Core , Problem

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