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3125600 - HANA Cockpit update failed - Requested Space with guid 'sap' is missing


 Error during upgrade of SAP HANA Cockpit.  In the /var/tmp/hdb_upgrade.../hdblcm.log, it shows :

INFO: Command line is: /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/bin/xs login -a https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>-u <USER_NAME> --stdin -o HANACockpit -s SAP --cacert /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/controller_data/controller/ssl-pub/router/default.root.crt.pem
INFO: Output line 1:
INFO: Output line 2: API_URL: https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>
INFO: Output line 4: Authenticating...
INFO: Output line 5: ORG: HANACockpit
INFO: Output line 6: SPACE: SAP
INFO: Output line 7: API endpoint: https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT> (API version: 1)
INFO: Output line 8: User: <USER_NAME>
INFO: Output line 9: Org: HANACockpit
INFO: Output line 10: Space: SAP
INFO: Output line 11:
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 0
INFO: Switching back to root user.
INFO: Switching to user id 63936813 and group id 63936748.
INFO: Starting external program /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/bin/xs
INFO: Command line is: /hana/shared/<SID>/xs/bin/xs target -g sap
INFO: Output line 1:
INFO: Output line 2: FAILED: Requested Space with guid 'sap' is missing.
INFO: Output line 3: FAILED: found no space with that guid.
INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
INFO: Switching back to root user.
INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/<SID>/<SID>.hdblcm.update' removed
INFO: Status file '/hana/shared/<SID>/<SID>.hdblcm.update' not found
INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
INFO: END: Failed to target the XS Advanced Runtime space. (start: 16:06:26.590 duration: 00:00:05)
INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Installing XS Advanced Components failed
INFO: Installing XS Advanced Components failure has been ignored
INFO: Execution Summary:
INFO: Step Name | Runtime
INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Stopping services | 00:00:11
INFO: Updating SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime | 00:00:04
INFO: Starting instances | 00:00:00
INFO: Finalizing update of SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime | 00:00:25
INFO: Enabling services | 00:00:00
INFO: Starting services | 00:00:47
INFO: Updating content of SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime | 00:07:07
INFO: Updating SAP HANA Cockpit Instance Integration on Local Host | 00:00:02
INFO: Updating SAP HANA Cockpit Stack | 00:00:00
INFO: Updating Component List | 00:00:00
INFO: Installing XS Advanced Components | 00:00:05
INFO: Total execution time | 00:08:41
ERR : Update of SAP HANA Cockpit components failed.
INFO: Summary of critical errors
ERR : Update of SAP HANA Cockpit components failed.

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  • SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0 


SAP HANA, platform edition all versions


HANA;Cockpit;Upgrade; Update;FAILED; ERR;   , KBA , HAN-CPT-CPT2 , SAP HANA Cockpit version 2 - based on XSA , Problem

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