Supplier line items with special G/L indicator 'W' cannot be cleared via app 'Clear Outgoing Payments'.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
Test case I.
- Enter App 'Clear Outgoing Payments'.
- Enter Supplier and Company Code.
- Select 'Special G/L Transactions' from 'Line Item Type' dropdown list.
- The supplier line item with special G/L indicator 'W' is not displayed.
Test case II.
- Enter App 'Clear Outgoing Payments'.
- Select 'Clear Open Items' and enter Company Code and Supplier.
- In the 'Open AP/AR Items' select 'Select More' and flag 'Special G/L Transaction' as 'Line Item Type'.
- The supplier line item with special G/L indicator 'W' is not displayed.
Moreover if you open 'Special G/L indicator' drop down list in the header front screen, special g/l indicator 'W' is not on the list.
Special G/L 'W' is for bill of exchange.
Clear outgoing payments app do not support any special G/L transaction for 'W'.
The bill of exchange business process has seperate scope item 1WQ.
You can use app 'Receive Bill of Exchange' as workaround to clear open items.
Please follow the process flow described in scope item 1WQ.
- Use app 'Reset Cleared Items' to reverse current open items (back to original invoice item). And assign the supplier invoice to payment method bill of exchange.
- As 1WQ test script describe, handle invoice via app 'Manage Automatic Payments'.
- Use app 'Returned Bill of Exchange Payable' to post outgoing payments and clear BoE.
See Also
Bill of exchange, 1WQ, special g/l, special g/l indicator, W, Clear Outgoing Payments, Special g/l Transaction, Receive Bill of Exchange , KBA , FI-LOC-BOE , Bill of Exchange , How To