We recently upgraded our S4HANA system from 1610 to 1909 and with this, some things changed for our RTC models. The design change around allowing RTC to have multiple foundation views gave us better flexibility which is great, but the setup in the RTC Model (RTCMD) had to change to allow the usage of more than one foundation view for Actuals. In order to create this change, we had to re-organise the RTC category/Variant so instead of having one RTC Category called ACTUAL with multiple versions assigned to it, now the system requires 1 RTC category per foundation view. And in Fonterra, we have 2 foundation views for actual, one with more detail and the other more summarised.
All this explanation is to get to the point of this incident, which is, requesting a change (or a new) archiving object in SARA for RTC. Instead of having selection based on the concatenation of RTC Category/Consolidation Ledger/Variant (see attached), we would like to simply select via BPC Category.
KBA , FIN-RTC , Real-Time Consolidation , How To
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