There is a need to get details about backup of the Identity Authentication service (IAS), such as:
- How the backup is performed by SAP?
- Is the backup a full backup or delta backup?
- What’s the time when backup is performed?
- What’s the backup generation number that will be kept by SAP?
- Is there external complementary backup performed from distant location/data center than the real location/data center where customer’s IAS actually runs?
- If do have external complementary backup, then when it get performed?
- If do have external complementary backup, then what is the external complementary backup generation number that will be kept by SAP?
- Can customer using IAS tenant get the backup from SAP?
- Is it necessary for customer using IAS to do backup at their side?
- Is the backup performed in the same way for PRODUCTIVE and TEST IAS tenant?
Identity Authentication
Identity Authentication 1.0
バックアップ, 差分, フル, 取得サイクル, 取得日時, 補完世代数, 外部補完世代数, 外部補完日時, back up, , KBA , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , How To
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