- Recurring schedules delivered to the email box one day later than the recurrence date that's been set up while scheduling.
- When selecting "Reschedule" on a weekly recurring schedule the schedule "start date" is automatically set one day forward without any manual interaction.
- For example a weekly schedule set to run on "W for Wednesday" on "08/12/2021 at 09:00:00 AM". When clicking "Reschedule" on the report the date is automatically changed to "09/12/2021 at 09:00:00 AM" with "W for Wednesday" set (Despite this automatically populated date referring to Thursday)
- This only occurs under the following conditions:
- The client machine used to create the schedule is in the IST/GMT Timezone
- The Server machine is in the EST Timezone
- The schedule time is set during a day difference between the IST and EST timezone. For example Wednesday at 9AM IST is Tuesday at 10:30pm EST.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.3 SP01 Patch 07
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
Schedule, Day, Recurring, Date, One Day, Forward, Webi, BI, Date, Time , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem
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