Rehire welcome email template is not enabled and candidate cannot login into application since they did not receive the welcome email template.
SAP Successfactors Onboarding
Reproducing the Issue
For existing candidates before enabling (ONB) Rehire User Welcome Message Template this email is not getting triggered even after restart. Even if we try to reset password using Platform password reset page , we are not changing visibility in user account table for old username so candidate cannot login into application.
Please follo the below steps for resolving this issue for existing candidates-
1. We need to reset password for old username.
2. Script need to be executed to update visibility of flag from “N” to “Y”. Create support ticket so that request to run the script can be executed. Support Engineers please refer internal note for reference service request.
Rehire, welcome email, password reset , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-RHM , Rehire Mechanism , Bug Filed