1. Company super admin created a new S user and assigned a password for it. Or SAP helped to change S user e-mail to a new one.
2. This S user is able to logon
3. Using this S user to call Cloud Integration iflow endpoint, it fails with 401 Unauthorized error even though username and password is correct.
4. Using this S user to logon BTP cockpit, it shows message as below.
For Feature Set B cockpit, it shows message:
"A link to verify your e-mail has been sent to <email address>."
For Feature Set A cockpit, it shows message:
"You cannot access all of your Global Accounts until you've verified your e-mail address. Once you have done so, you must log in again. Please use the verification link that has been sent to you, or reset password using the following link: reset password"
5. Using this S user to login cf cli, it shows message as below:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"User authentication failed: MAIL_NOT_VERIFIED"}
SAP Business Technology Platform
BTP, Verify e-mail, account , KBA , BC-CP-CF-SEC-IAM , UAA, Authentication, Authorization, Trust Mgmnt , LOD-HCI-PI-OPS , Cloud Operations , BC-NEO-SEC-IAM , Authentication, Authorization(Cloud Platform Neo) , Problem
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