When trying to login to backoffice, the user is met with the 500 error page. The tomcat logs show the error below:
INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [default] in context with path [/backoffice] threw exception INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of a null object loaded from local variable 'group' INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at de.hybris.platform.jalo.user.UserManager.loadAllAdminUserPKs( INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at de.hybris.platform.jalo.user.UserManager.isCachedAdminPK( INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at de.hybris.platform.jalo.user.UserManager.isAdmin( INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at de.hybris.platform.jalo.user.Employee.isAdmin( INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at de.hybris.platform.jalo.flexiblesearch.FlexibleSearch.getUserFilters( ...
Or alternatively, the NPE happens on a different side of the relation:
INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [default] in context with path [/backoffice] threw exception INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of a null object loaded from local variable 'group' INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2019/06/17 18:16:15.700 | at ...
When executing the below SQL Query in hac, some results are returned:
SELECT * FROM pgrels WHERE ( sourcepk NOT IN (SELECT pk FROM users) AND sourcepk NOT IN (SELECT pk FROM usergroups) ) OR ( targetpk NOT IN (SELECT pk FROM users) AND targetpk NOT IN (SELECT pk FROM usergroups) )
Let's assume for example that one of the results is:
PK SOURCEPK 8966021447881 8803728097284 |
In backoffice > System > Types > Search for PrincipalGroupRelation > Open all instances > Search for 8966021447881. You will notice that the source PK is null:
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backoffice, null pointer exception , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-BO-APP , Applications , Problem
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