This Guided Answer tree describes the common errors related to Internet Communication Framework (ICF).
HTTP Errors
- HTTP 400 "Session not found" / "Session Timed Out"
- HTTP 401 "Unauthorized"
- HTTP 403 "Forbidden"
- HTTP 500 "Log on with a dialog user"
- HTTP 500 "Redirect is not possible"
- HTTP 500 "Unknown error" / "Message E MD5 027 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTP(S)"
- HTTP 500 "Es wurde kein Ticket per Header empfangen" / "Ticket-Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen" / "Message E 00 001 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTP(S)"
- HTTP 500 "ICF service for Clickjacking Framing Protection is not active" / "Message E WEBDYNPRO_RT 031 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTP(S)"
- HTTP 500 without any detailed error message
- Message cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTP(S) - only message class and message number is shown like WEBDYNPRO_RT 023
Errors / Warnings on the ICF System Logon Page
- Error "Logon cookie check failed; repeat logon"
- Error - Logon with URL parameter not possible; logon cookie is missing
- Warning "No switch to HTTPS occurred, so it is not secure to send a password"
- Warning "Protocol cannot be switched to HTTPS; HTTPS is not configured/active"
- Warning "SSO logon not possible; logon tickets not activated on the server"
- The ICF System Logon page is unresponsive or keeps reloading
Errors in the ABAP Backend
- Error - Runtime errors (short dumps) of type UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION / CX_HTTP_WHITELIST
- Error "HTTP security context cache is full" in the System Log (tr. SM21)
- Error SHTTP082 "Could not find host or port information" in the transaction SICF
- Error "Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ICF Error when..." in the transaction SRT_UTIL
- Error "HTTPIO_ERROR_READ_SECURE_STORAGE" in the transaction SM59
Vulnerability Issues
- ICF public services(via patch /sap/public)
- Logoff parameter
- Secure Cookie Attributes
- Third-party vulnerability reports
Logon issues (SSO failed, System logon page is not working)
- Logon page is not working (freezing, buttons are not working)
- SSO failed, unexpected logon screen is displayed
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
ICF, Internet Communication Framework, SICF, Service , Services, ICF service, ICF_GDPR, ICF_STD, HTTP errors, HTTP 400, 401, 403, 500, Erros, warnings on the system logon page, abap backend errors, Session not found, Session Timed Out, Unauthorized, Forbidden, Es wurde kein Ticket per Header empfangen / Ticket-Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen / Message E 00 001 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTP(S), ICF service for Clickjacking Framing Protection is not active / Message E WEBDYNPRO_RT 031 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTP(S), Log on with a dialog user, Redirect is not possible, "Unknown error" / "Message E MD5 027 cannot be processed in plugin mode HTTPS", Internal Server Error without any detailed error message, Error - HTTP security context cache is full" in the System Log (in transaction SM21), Error - SHTTP082 "Could not find host or port information" in the transaction SICF, Error - "Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ICF Error when..." in the transaction SRT_UTIL, Error - HTTPIO_ERROR_READ_SECURE_STORAGE in transaction SM59, Protocol cannot be switched to HTTPS; HTTPS is not configured/active, The ICF System Logon page is unresponsive or keeps reloading, message cannot be processed in plugin mode, Logon with URL parameter not possible; logon cookie is missing, CX_HTTP_WHITELIST, UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, UCON_CHW, HTTP_WHITELIST, HttpOnly and Secure cookie attributes, vulnerability, 3rd party scan, report, third-party, SAML logon, single sign-on authentication, NWBC, SOAMANAGER, SOLMAN_SETUP, SM_WORKCENTER, DBACockpit, ILM_SB, SSO failed, unexpected logon screen , KBA , BC-MID-ICF , Internet Communication Framework , BC-MID-ICF-LGN , ICF System Login , Problem
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