- During the Full extraction, the following error occurred in DTP monitor:
Subscription for DTP_* deleted in source system XYZ. See long text. Message no. RSBC056
You are trying to start a delta request (no delta initialization). The subscription for DTP_* was deleted in the source system XYZ. There is an inconsistency between the source and the target system. If the current request would be processed by the source system, older records would be extracted again.
System Response
The request processing is canceled.
You have two options:
- Re-initialize the delta. In the administration view of the target of DTP_*, delete all delta requests that originate from this DTP. The system will then run a new delta initialization which will create the subscription again in the source system.
- Run a request manually with the processing mode 'No Data Transfer; Delta Status in Source: Fetched'. This will create the subscription again in the source system but could cause the loss of any data records created/modified in the meantime (between the end of the processing of the last successful DTP request and the manually created request run).
- Even DTP is triggered with mode 'No Data Transfer; Delta Status in Source: Fetched',
Still an Initialization extraction (ODQR_*_C) is generated in the ODP source system which should be a Simulation run (ODQR_*_S).
In both scenario, report RODPS_REPL_TEST doesn't return any error.
- SAP Netweaver
KBA , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , BW4-DM-DTP , ABAP Orchestration of Data Transfer Process , Known Error
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