When confirming a put-away task and selecting Source Logistics Area, Storage Constraints is red for a specific Logistics Area.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Inbound Logistics work center.
- Go to Task Control view.
- Search task XXX, click Confirm.
- Under tab Line Items, select a line item whose product is ABC, click on the selection button of Source Logistics Area.
- In the pop-up window, select All results for Result Type, click Go, we can see for logistics area XYZ, Storage Constraints is red.
In the master data of logistics area XYZ, under tab Restrictions - Allowed Products, the product ABC is not in the list.
Add product ABC in the Allowed Products of logistics area XYZ.
Storage Constraints, Logistics Area, Allowed Products , KBA , AP-SLP-TSK , Site Logistics Task , Problem
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