You generated a new version for IOT (Inspection Object Type) in SAP EWM customizing, but the process for this IOT is not correct and due to this incorrect record, some errors may be displayed when you are trying to perform quality management-related processes.
Possible errors you may receive:
Property VERSION is not defined in the inspection object type
Message no. QIE_SETUP023
No inspection object versions were activated
Message no. /SCWM/QINSP006
When checking SPRO in path: "SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Cross-Process Settings -> Quality Management -> Basics -> Generate Inspection Object Types Version", you see that two or more IOTs have the exact same data in field "Process", similar to the below screenshot:
(Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Quality Management (SCM-EWM-QM)
- SAP Quality Inspection Engine (CA-QIE)
/SCWM/QRSETUP; check monitor , KBA , SCM-EWM-QM , Quality Management , Known Error
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