You are trying to make use of Start feasibility function during production task execution and as per the list Green color one's is used to judge production tasks as executable and actionable, but some orders do not yet have a supply task, but the lower operations or tasks shows that the task can be started,which is confusing for users to follow the sequence according to the feasibility in green
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Production Control Work Center
- Navigate to Task Control View
- Search for Production Order
- System lists all Production Tasks with Start Feasibility as green randomly, yellow for few and red for few tasks
Start Feasibility indicator does not check the sequence as such but checks if that individual task can be started or not.. System will check the dates, the availability of products.
Note: In order to follow the sequence of tasks in an order, follow the below steps
- Go to Production Control Work Center
- Go to by Orders via Production Orders View
- Search for relevant Production Order
- Select Edit
- Navigate to Order Structure
- You can follow the sequence listed as per tasks listed in Order sequence tab
Start Feasibility Function not following the sequence while executing Production Tasks , Start feasibility function during production task execution and as per the list Green color one's is used to judge production tasks as executable, Production Tasks with Start Feasibility as green randomly, yellow for few and red for few tasks, , KBA , not following the sequence , green color one's , start feasibility function , AP-PE-TSK , Production Task , Problem