You receive error message "Could not execute operation
" after adding a new line as column after/before a characteristics (via TableDesign) and trying to add a text into the header:
The error message above occurs with AO 2.8.12 only. Other AO versions behave differently:
- No error with 2.8 SP9 or lower.
- An exception with 2.8 SP10 and 2.8 SP11.
- An error message as the above with 2.8 SP12.
- SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
- SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office, edition for SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions ; SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office, edition for SAP Analytics Cloud all versions
Could not execute operation, table design, tabledesign, new line, new column, design rules, text, header, exception
, KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Known Error
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