You are trying to assign an Employee for Delegation. But, the Employee is not available in the Delegation Screen.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Administrator -> Delegates
- Click Create and check the Employee F4 help, you are unable to see the required Employee
The Delegates feature will work only for employees which have a business role assignment.
Therefore, it will not work for users who has a manual WoC assignment.
To reflect this, the value help filters out all those users which do NOT have a business-role assignment.
Assingn a Business Role to the Business User of the Employee.
Steps :
- Go to Administrator -> Business Users
- Search for the relevant Employee and then Click Edit -> Access Rights.
- Go to the Business Role Assignment Tab and then assign any business role to the Employee.
Employee, Delegate, Business Role , KBA , LOD-CRM-EMP , Employee , Problem
SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions