- ASE Server is being shutdown in the middle of recovery -
Server Roll forward transaction '$chained_transaction'.
server Redo pass for database 'XXX': 57968120 records done (69%); 24843485 records left.
kernel Sybperf helper thread is setting up counters for a windows Performance Monitor connection
server Roll back transaction '$hkgc' -- was aborted.
server Roll back transaction '$hkgc' -- was aborted.
server Roll back transaction '$systsflush' -- was aborted.
kernel shutdownproc: shutting down SQL Server!
server ASE shutdown by request.
kernel ueshutdown: exiting
kernel Sybperf helper thread is quitting
kernel Main thread performing final shutdown. - This has happened after 1 hour of processing - sometime it gets to 69% other times 74% but it always get's killed.
- Sometimes it does not even get to process 64% - when the kill is issued.
- Why?
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , How To
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