You have the following scenario:
- Receive stock from your customer to your plant
- Repair in house
- Send the repaired product out to your customer
so you choose at return sales order the order type "RE2" in VA01 and set the followings:
- Follow-Up Activity : 0001 Receive into Plant
- Next Follow-Up : 0016 in-house Repair
When you try to create outbound delivery after repair via VL01n referring to the return sales order, error comes:
No delivery-relevant items in order ..., order type RE2 - Message no. VL455
SAP ERP or S/4Hana system for cases where Advanced Return Management (LO-ARM) functionality used
ARM VL455 VL 455 VL01n delivery , KBA , LO-ARM-SD , Sales , LO-ARM , Advanced Returns Management , LO-ARM-SHP , ARM Shipping , Problem
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