You created the returns STO process, with following steps:
- STO with return receipt (NB2C)
- Advance return delivery - LLR
- Goods Isssue with movement type 161
- CC Returns Delivery automatically created using output type
- SPED linked to step 2
- GR (movement type 673 - TR to cross company) - US plant for example.
You are expecting after 161 movement type an automatic movement 695 (695 - Stock Transfer, Return to Originally Issuing Valuated Cross-Company-Code Stock in Transit) to be posted automatically without VLPOD to be performed hence the stock to be transferred to in transit for US plant.
SAP ERP or S/4Hana system for cases where Advanced Return Management (LO-ARM) functionality used
ARM STO return movementtype VLPOD , KBA , LO-ARM-MM , Advanced Returns Materials Management , LO-ARM-SHP , ARM Shipping , Problem
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