The documentation for SAP Customer Data Platform's integration with SAP Commerce Cloud mentions an "integration package" in the following context:
"The integration relies on an integration package that runs on the customer's SAP Cloud Platform Integration tenant. The integration package receives requests from SAP Customer Data Platform to get/upsert customers and get/update customers and get orders from SAP Commerce Cloud.
When an inbound event is executed, SAP Customer Data Platform sends a polling request to search for records recently created/modified. This payload is passed to the corresponding iFlow (SAP Customer Data Platform Integration with SAP Commerce Cloud integration package), which uses the data in the request to invoke the SAP Commerce Cloud API to fetch the details."
However, this integration package is not found on the SAP Help Portal.
- SAP Customer Data Platform
- Connector Studio
CDP, CPI, Commerce Cloud, Integration Package , KBA , CEC-CDP , SAP Customer Data Platform , How To
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