- You have a Process Orchestration (PO) or Process Integration (PI) 7.50 SP20/SP21/SP22 system
- You have recently patched the system due to log4j vulnerability e.g. SAP Note 3133005 [CVE-2021-45105] Denial of service (DOS) associated with Apache Log4j 2 component used in Java Web Service Adapter of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration
- After this, you observe an error with some interfaces which impacts on message processing
- An example of the error is:
Error MP: exception caught with cause javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Error occurred: nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction ended with error, reason: nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/util/Map;Lcom/sap/aii/utilxi/extractor/IMessage;ZZ)[Ljava/lang/String;
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SUM, Maintenance Planner, communication channel monitor , KBA , BC-XI-CON-JWS , Java Web Service Adapter , BC-XI-CON-AFW-AAE , Advanced Adapter Engine , BC-XI-CON-RST , Rest Adapter , Problem
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