ASE seemed to hang and was unresponsive, some observations were:
- Observed device time out error and 16K Pool error for tempdb_cache
- Device timeout errors (there are more in the log than posted here)
kernel Spid 2713 has exceeded its timeout value while issuing a write for virtual device 234 ('/path/dev_006'). A system call has not responded for 150 seconds, and Adaptive Server will be impacted until it returns. Contact your operating system vendor for assistance.
ernel Spid 244 has exceeded its timeout value while issuing a write for virtual device 234 ('/path/dev_006'). A system call has not responded for 150 seconds, and Adaptive Server will be impacted until it returns. Contact your operating system vendor for assistance. - 16K info
The 16K memory pool of named cache tempdb_cache (cache id 16, cachelet id 12) is configured too small for current demands (state 4). Transaction progress may cease or response time may increase.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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