SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3137253 - You Receive Internal Server Error When You Try to Edit Quality Inspection


System is crashing when you try to open a Quality Inspection to edit same.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Quality Control work center. 
  2. Go to the Inspections view.
  3. Select All inspections and choose any Inspection document.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. System dumps. 


You have maintained duplicate entries under Adaptive Sampling Inspection Stages.

  1. Navigate to the Business Configuration work center. 
  2. Go to the Implementation Projects view. 
  3. Find and select the relevant Implementation project.
  4. Click Open Activity List and find 'Adaptive Sampling'.
  5. Open the Activity: Adaptive Sampling.
  6. If you go through the Adaptive Sampling Rules, you can see you have maintained the same Inspection Stage ID for multiple Adaptive Sampling Rules which should not happen, hence the dump.


You need to maintain different/unique inspection stage names for each adaptive rule.


Duplicate entries in code list provider response (data type INSPECTION_STAGE_CODE)
Runtime Errors:         MESSAGE_TYPE_X_TEXT
ABAP Program:           CX_FATAL_EXCEPTION============CP , KBA , SRD-PLM-QA , Quality Assurance , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions