- Batch real-time jobs for DQM for SAP Job_Realtime_Batch_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse and Job_Realtime_Batch_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_Match are not starting in Management Console
- The standard real-time jobs for DQM for SAP are starting
- The RFC server does not start due to the jobs not starting
- Error logs for the real-time batch jobs have errors like:
Job_Realtime_Batch_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_Match|DATAFLOW DF_Realtime_Batch_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_Match None of the configurations for the specified target table <DQ_SAP_DS.DQ_USER.DQ_SAP_BATCH_MATCH_RUN_OUTPUT> contain a database match <HANA 2.x> for the current datastore <DQ_SAP_DS>. Please resave the loader <DQ_SAP_DS.DQ_USER.DQ_SAP_BATCH_MATCH_RUN_OUTPUT> with <HANA 2.x> configuration.
SAP Data Quality Management version for SAP solutions
SAP Data Quality Management 4.1, version for SAP solutions
DQM, staging tables , KBA , EIM-DQM-SAP , Data Quality Management for SAP , Problem
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