Deletion of specific MARC entry(s) is desired for example because:
- The customizing in WSS1 has enabled POS outbound or Assortment List processing based on MARC entries, and now by having some unnecessary entries in MARC, impacts the POS system
- Listing has been executed (which triggers the creation of MARC entries - among others - at the time of first listing of the article/site combination) for some sites/assortments, which was not desired as per business. Deletion of listing conditions was possible, but you are looking for a way to remove MARC entries as well.
- Retail
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
listing, MARC, archiving, delete, MARC-LVORM, POS, delist, discontinue, WSE4, WRF_DIS_SEL, MM_MATNR, SARA , KBA , LO-RFM-MD-LST , Listing , LO-MD-RA , Assortment / Listing , IS-R-BD-ART , Articles , IS-R-BD-LST , Listing , LO-RFM-MD-ART , Article , SD-POS-OUT , POS Interface - Outbound , LO-RFM-IFC-OUT , POS Interface - Outbound , LO-RFM-IFC-AL , Assortment List , IS-R-IFC-AL , Assortment List , IS-R-IFC-OUT , POS Interface, Outbound , How To
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