Error "Record cannot be deleted (time constraint 1) - Message PG212" is raised when legacy replication is executed for an employee with a change on EC > Personal Information.
- SAP Success Factors Employee Central Integration to SAP Business Suite
Reproducing the Issue
Run legacy replication for an employee and check SLG1 log where mentioned error will be found.
IT0002-BEGDA is populated with birthdate on standard code and a record with BEGDA=birthdate is already available on table PA0002.
However, BEGDA is changed on custom implementation of BAdI EX_PAOCF_EC_CHANGE_INFOTYPE_DA.
This new BEGDA would generate a gap on IT0002, which isn´t allowed due to time constraint '1' defined on V_T582A.
Please review the custom code and make sure that no gaps are generated on IT0002.
See Also
PROCESS_PERSONAL_DETAILS, CL_PAOCF_EC_EE_MDR_IMPL, PG 212 , KBA , LOD-EC-INT-EE , Employee Integration EC to ERP On Premise , Problem