SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3139296 - SM30 | SPRO | Changes to repository or cross-client customizing are not permitted


Information appears:
Changes to repository or cross-client customizing
are not permitted

Message no. TK730


In this logon client, any changes to the Repository and to cross-client Customizing objects are prohibited.

System Response

The function terminates


If you still want to make the changes, contact the system administrator, who can allocate you a user in a client where you can make the changes.



This KBA applies to all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H.


TK 730,
저장소나 클라이언트간 커스터마이징에 대한 변경사항을 허용하지 않습니다,
Změna repository/customizingu nezá klientu je nepřípustná,
Änderung Repository/mandantenunabhängiges Customizing ist unzulässig,
Changes to repository or cross-client customizing are not permitted,
Modification du repository et du customizing lié au mandant non autorisée,
Repository/mandantfüggetlen customizing nem megengedett,
Modifica Repository/Customizing valido per tutti i mandanti vietata,
Zmiany repozytorium lub konfiguracji niezal. od mandanta nie są dozwolone,
Wijziging Repository/mandantonafhankelijke customizing is verboden,
Modificação repository/customizing independente do mandante não permitida,
Zmena repository/customizingu nezávislého od klienta je neprípustná,
Изменение репозитария/общей для всех мандантов настройки запрещено.,
Está prohibido modificar Repository/Customizing independiente mandante,
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