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3139782 - Targeted CR List for ASE 16.0 SP03 PL12


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 PL12 . Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release. 

CR NumberDescription
665006 The audit event for shutdown command has been enhanced to distinguish between the shutdown action of Adaptive Server and Backup Server.
683438 DBCC EXTENTDUMP is enhanced to report the OAM page number of an extent.
704203 In rare circumstances, the message, "Log contains all committed transactions until 1900/01/01 00:00:00.00 for database < database-name > .", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log by ONLINE database command. This message is not useful during ONLINE database and should not be reported. See KBA 2509711
721549 When sp_monitorconfig 'max online engines' is run, only one active engine will be reported even if multiple active engines exist, while SAP Adaptive Server is started with the configuration option 'kernel mode' set to 'threaded' mode.
728520 On big endian systems such as AIX, the execution for DBCC TUNE('wcpu', < value > ) may unexpectedly succeed for a value that is not within the allowed range of values of 1 and 65534.
767882 If a global login trigger is created in a database other than the master database, the trigger will be disabled if any user logs in before the database containing the trigger is recovered during a reboot of SAP ASE. See KBA 2052531
778633 The stored procedure sp_help for object type ‘table’ may incorrectly report ‘table is VOLATILE’, after SAP Adaptive Server is upgraded to 16.x version. See KBA 2125940.
784791 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'kbfalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_normalize' and 'memallocheap' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when creating a function-based index with a fully qualified ( object name. See KBA 2175592.
794585 sp_helptext incorrectly raises error 567 when "select on syscomments.text" disabled and user is the database or procedure owner. See KBA 2266857.
804555 In rare circumstances, SAP Adaptive Server may return incorrect result when a query involving outer join and predicates of the form "col < > @var", is run. A fix is enabled under trace flag 11029. See KBA 2438877.
811442 A 7921 error, "Found < value > bad entries in sysindexes.", may be reported by DBCC CHECKALLOC on a database that is not having a segregated log device. See KBA 2552226.
811837 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 's_clean_encrkeys' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 's_execute' and 'execproc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during CREATE INDEX execution inside a stored procedure. See KBA 2575438.
817367 Enhancements to dbcc dbrepair() interface to accept dbid as paramter.
818848 DBCC HELP does not provide syntax for DBCC SHRINKDB_SETUP. See KBA 2787004.
819281 In rare circumstances, successive calls to getdate() built-in in SAP Adaptive Server may return a timestamp value which is older than the previously returned timestamp value. See KBA 2792603.
819759 Increase the largest single shared memory segment creation size to 4 terabytes. See KBA 2819670.
820463 A 1295 error, "Unconditional lock request for table or page < page-number > , dbid < database-id > was made while holding a latch.", in the module 'lock__semawait' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'dmpx_truncatemain' and 'dmpld_acquire_dumpdb_lock' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during DUMP TRANSACTION when during an earlier attempt a 1204 error, "ASE has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure ASE with more LOCKS.", was reported. See KBA 3157033.
820566 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module '_IO_vfprintf' together with a stacktrace which includes the module 'vsnprintf' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC PSS(0, < spid-value > ) is run against an active session. See KBA 2882391.
820815 Insensitive cursors may hold shared intent 'sh_intent' locks on the base table when the cursor would return less than 1000 rows. See KBA 2883034.
821168 The command DBCC SQLTEXT( < session-id > ) is unable to print the SQL statement that was most recently executed by the given session/spid. See KBA 2897963.
821193 SAP Adaptive Server auditing feature is enhanced to add full command text into audit record for 'errors' event. SQL commands failures including dump failures can be checked via 'errors' event. See KBA 2903526.
821937 A 820 error, ”Attempt to dirty non-log buffer BUF= < value > … which is in I/O.”, in the module ‘xls_bufpindirty_single’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘pg_allocextent’ and ‘bulk_main’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when other sessions are concurrently dropping tables in system tempdb or a low durability database while a full database dump is being taken. See KBA 3140775.
822048 In rare circumstances, the message, "timeslice < negative-value > , current process infected", in the module 'dseg_proc_alloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'execproc' and 's_execute', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a query. See KBA 2993737.
822069 The message, "FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: signal 0 hit while handling a previously hit signal. The server cannot continue and will shut down.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while Adaptive Server was dealing with an initial signal error resulting into an implicit ASE shutdown. See KBA 2953080.
822498 The SAP Adaptive Server column names resolution mechanism during query execution has been enhanced to decrease the contention while accessing the system catalog 'syscolumns'. See KBA 2956898.
822733 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace which includes the module 'bufunkeep_do_decrement()' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is executed for encrypted database. See KBA 2996176.
822844 Following an upgrade, Web Services reports that an unknown exception occurred: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: X509ExtendedKeyManager only supported on Server (See stack trace at bottom of this message). See KBA 3140740.
822947 When auditing the execution of a stored procedure through sp_audit and option "exec_procedure", the database ID ‘dbid’ and name ‘dbname’ information from where the stored procedure is executed will now be reported in the sysaudits.extrainfo column. See KBA 2975564.
823359 A 3105 error, "Data on dump will not fit into current database. Need < size > Mbyte database.", should be raised by Adaptive Server when a cumulative dump is loaded in a database whose size is not sufficient to hold the dump.
823671 Parallel query execution may hang if the query is killed in the middle of the execution of parallel hash join. See KBA 3001441.
823684 A 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of 36616. Maximum allowed length is 16384.", may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log when a SELECT query retrieves LOB data under isolation level 0. Alternatively, the message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'kbfalloc' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log. See KBA 3013683.
824087 The error message, "In order to perform this operation, you must have role 'sa_role'.", followed by a 19027 error, "Aborted dsam_check_access_auth operation due to error '20002'.", may be reported when a user with sa_role tries to execute the Data Store Access Management stored procedure dsam_set_collection while the SAP ASE configuration option 'enable granular permissions' is on.
824128 The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'des__clean' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'des_refreshall' and 'online_database' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when multiple sessions are executing ONLINE DATABASE simultaneously for the same database. See KBA 3111484.
824355 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'ord_getrowbounds' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ord_rowformat' and 'optimize_cmd' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a complex query which references more than 5 tables is compiled. See KBA 3035352.
824358 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'ssql_release' together with a stack trace that includes the modules 's_unkeep_cached_stmts' and 'sequencer' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query is executed and the statement cache is full. This will result in an implicit Adaptive Server shut down. See KBA 3035656.
824408 SAP Adaptive Server is enhanced allowing the support of QUIESCE and PREPARE DATABASE commands for system databases sybsecurity and sybmgmtdb with segregated data and log devices. See KBA 3078617.
824574 In a replicated database setup for Multiple Paths Replication, the Secondary Truncation Point of the SAP Adaptive Server replicated database may not move when any one of the replication paths is idle.
824629 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'Lop::lopProcessTree()' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lopGenerate' and 's_compile_stmt' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing a SELECT query that has a very large number of UNION statements. See KBA 3143404.
824845 In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice -10001, current process infected" in the module 'write' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ssltraceprint' and 'ssl_nrpacket' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when SSL is enabled during a login after SSL handshake. See KBA 3059882.
824974 In rare circumstances, when a SIGTRAP signal is raised from a thread other than the ASE main thread, Adaptive Server may produce a core dump file on Unix platforms without any trace shown in the SAP ASE error log and it will implicitly shut down itself. Alternatively the signal may get ignored or lead to a timeslice error. See SAP KBA 3075877.
824983 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'PtlXmlQuery::XmlXQueryNext' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log when complex XML queries are executed. See KBA 3086874.
825020 In rare circumstances the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'memfreeheap' together with a stack trace may be seen in the SAP ASE error log on HP platform when Statement Replication feature is enabled. Alternatively on Windows platform a 3602 error, "Transaction has been rolled back.", may be reported together with a stack trace in the module 'ex__doprint'. See KBA 3112119.
825021 A 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id < page-number, row-number > is missing from index page < page-number > of index id < index-id > of table < object-id > in database < database-id > . Xactid is < page-number, row-number > . Drop and re-create the index.", may be frequently reported in the SAP ASE error log when a high number of DELETE and INSERT batches are concurrently executed. See KBA 3069024.
825063 On heavily-loaded SAP ASE systems, a high spinlock contention on spinlock SSQLCACHE_SPIN may be observed when the Adaptive Server available procedure cache memory is reduced due to a large amount of triggers having been created. See KBA 3150098.
825079 A query is not killable when using a very large IN CLAUSE while traceflag 132 is enabled to remove duplicates from the IN list. See KBA 3083815.
825167 An Adaptive Server login whose password has expired is unable to change the password using ALTER LOGIN if the login has a default database other than the master database. See KBA 3075109.
825261 The "Logical Process Manager Warning" messages which are reported in the SAP ASE error log for sessions having execution bindings and encountering errors such as 1204, 1295 or holding latches at the time of an error is hit will be suppressed when ASE trace flag 1239 is in use. See KBA 3079851.
825343 In rare circumstances, a 1295 error, "Unconditional lock request for table or page < page-number > , dbid < database-id > was made while holding a latch.", may be reported after REORG REBUILD fails due to a 1204 error, "ASE has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure ASE with more LOCKS.". See KBA 3143378.
825369 Incorrect ‘in row’ column information may be reported by sp_help when a table that has an in-row LOB column datatype is altered to varchar datatype. See KBA 3111371.
825404 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'senddone' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'curs_fetch' and 's_cleanframe' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when CURSOR FETCH execution has hit a deadlock error. See KBA 3089377.
825413 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace which includes the module 'kbfusage' and 'kbmempooldiag' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC MEMPOOL(" < fragment-pool > ", "usage") is executed. See KBA 3116304.
825414 A 1622 error, "Type < value > not implemented.", may be reported during an incorrect TDS exchange between a client and SAP Adaptive Server. This error will be handled gracefully. See KBA 3100503.
825422 A 935 error with state 4, "WARNING - the timestamp in database ' < database-name > ' (0xff##, 0x########) is approaching the maximum allowed. < ##.# > % of the emergency reserve timestamps remain before the database is shut down automatically. Please contact SAP Technical Support.", will be reported every 12 hours in the SAP ASE error log if the database timestamp gets bigger than '0xff00 00000000'. See KBA 3130538.
825443 A 9696 error, "Recovery failed to get the last oqid for database ' < database-name > ' from SAP Replication Server because it was either unable to connect or it received an error.", will be reported in the SAP ASE error log for HADR setups when Adaptive Server is started as new standby and the Replication Server is unreachable. Adaptive Server is enhanced to report troubleshooting steps in the error log.
825458 The message, "The 'single user' option is not valid for the 'sybsecurity' database.", may be reported when shrinking the sybsecurity database with system stored procedure sp_shrink while SAP Adaptive Server was started in single user mode. See KBA 3094124.
825516 In most circumstances, SAP Adaptive Server may report an incorrect value for column 'PacketsReceived' in the MDA table 'monProcessNetIO' when SSL is enabled. See KBA 3124582.
825552 A 945 error, "Unable to locate page < page-id > for database id < database-id > in the in-memory copy of Sysusages < session-id > . This is an internal error. Please contact SAP Technical Support.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, when missing master..sysusages rows are found during a database RECOVERY and when ALTER DATABASE or DBCC CHECKCATALOG is executed.
825603 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'GetSnapCounter' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'mda_fill_and_send_monProcessStatement' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when querying the MDA table monProcessStatement. See KBA 3101978.
825604 A 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of < negative-value > . Maximum allowed length is 16384.", together with a stack trace which includes either the module 'LeAlignedDataRow::copyOneCol' or 'LeAlignedDataRow::copyOneCol' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a SELECT query that includes in-row LOB columns and uses a HASH JOIN operator in the query plan being run. See KBA 3101476 and KBA 3094537.
825658 The new configuration option "number of dump load retries" is introduced in "Backup/Recovery" section of the SAP ASE configuration file which indicates the number of times a DUMP or LOAD command will internally be re-executed upon failure.
825678 The scheduled tasks in SAP ASE Job Scheduler which are created by sybmgmtdb..sp_sjobcreate while using the @option for dates will be reported by sybmgmtdb..sp_sjobhelp with an incorrect ‘on days’ value.
825708 A 4306 error, "There was activity on database since last load, unable to load. Must restart load sequence with the load database to continue.", may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION after having taken a full database dump while the database is in load sequence and the SAP ASE configuration option "enable dump history" is set. See KBA 3108717.
825715 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'sybgetptr' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'repparams_analyze' and 'log_sysproc_exec' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing the system stored procedure sp_hidetext in a replicated database. See KBA 3111032.
825726 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup', 'EVP_DigestVerifyFinal' and 'ssl_handshake' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during an SSL connection attempt. Alternatively the stack trace may report the modules 'ASN1_item_ex_d2i' and 'ssl_nopen'. See KBA 3127496.
825727 The error message, "Backup Server: Fail to decrypt SSL password.", followed by the message, "Backup Server: Open Server routine srv_props failed. See Backup Server error log for additional information.", may be reported in the SAP Backup server error log while booting the Backup server with SSL and without providing the SSL password. See KBA 3140741.
825753 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'LeCacheDMLOp::_LeOpAcquire' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when Adaptive Server recompiles a stored procedure that is using table variables. See KBA 2539328
825773 When rolling back a transaction from within a trigger Adaptive Server may remove unexpectedly the calling procedure query plan from the SAP ASE procedure cache. See KBA 3114259.
825779 In some circumstances, SAP Adaptive Server may return an incorrect result when executing in parallel mode a SELECT JOIN query that has a search argument which involves a local variable while the configuration option 'statement cache size' is enabled. Similarly when a constant value is used instead of the local variable while the configuration option 'enable literal autoparam' is set. This may happen when the same query is run multiple times with different variable or constant values. See KBA 3114942.
825781 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'mbkt__coalesce_set' together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'mbkt__coalesce_pool' and 'mbkt__consolidator', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the Adaptive Server 'bucket manager consolidator' task administrates memory fragments. See KBA 3114532.
825784 A 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of -1. Maximum allowed length is 16384.', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a dynamic SQL query with streamlined LOB parameter that has been interrupted by the end-user. See KBA 3132077.
825790 In rare circumstances, a global temporary table may be erroneously instantiated by SAP Adaptive Server during the execution of a query. See KBA 3116987
825793 In rare circumstances, a 614 error, "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of < row-length > while in database < database-name > '. Page pointer = < page-address > , pageno = < page-number > , status = < page-status > , ptnid = < partition-id > , indexid = < index-id > , level = < index-level > , pnextrno = < page-next-row-number > . The minimum row length is < min-row-length > . The page size is < page-size > .", or a 9829 error, "Compressed data row < row-address > in objid < object-id > , dbid < database-id > is corrupted.", or a 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < page-number > in database ' < database-name > '.", may be reported when an UPDATE is executed after turning compression off on an APL table without having first rebuild its clustered index. See KBA 3115727.
825795 Logins with expired passwords which authenticate with SAP ASE authentication are allowed to execute commands while the configuration 'enable pam user auth' is set to 1. See KBA 3112160.
825796 A 941 error, "Illegal database context operation.", in the module 'closedb' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lddb_main' and 'lddb_cleanup' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when LOAD DATABASE of master database is executed. See KBA 3143387.
825823 In rare circumstances, SAP ASE may unnecessarily recompile a stored procedure that is using temporary tables. Adaptive Server should be started with trace flag 17012 in order to enable the fix. See KBA 3118874.
825835 In rare circumstances, SAP Adaptive Server may allow a duplicate key row to be inserted in a round robin partitioned APL table that has a unique clustered index, after a column has been dropped using ALTER TABLE while this column is not part of the unique clustered index. See KBA 3143377.
825837 A 10350 error, "Permission related internal error was encountered. Unable to continue execution.", may be reported when SELECT-INTO is executed by user1 and the target table is owned by user2 while the SAP ASE configuration option 'granular permissions' is enabled.
825854 When an Adaptive Server engine thread is brought offline while SAP ASE configuration option 'kernel mode' is set to threaded mode, the 'StopTime' column from the MDA table 'monEngine' does not get updated. See KBA 3122853.
825858 The "compare show < replay_name > " command in SAP ASE Workload Analyzer Command Line Utility is enhanced to report the capture and replay durations.
825868 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)" in the module 'ssl_nrpacket' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'iocPoll' and 'iocRunController' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, for SSL connection during login phase. See KBA 3149096.
825873 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module ‘sendtext’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeSendRow::sendRowToClient' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log, when a SELECT query retrieves LOB data while the query is executed using hash join mechanism. See KBA 3130547.
825881 The built-in suser_name() may return an incorrect value when it is executed from a DBO owned stored procedure with execute as owner.
825882 When the configuration option 'enable literal autoparam' is set to 2, SAP Adaptive Server will disable literal auto parameterization for stored procedures. See KBA 3150586.
825897 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module ‘ssql_getdesc’ together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log when ‘sp_options show’ is executed and statement cache monitoring is enabled while the diagserver binary is in use. See KBA 3131268.
825915 When a 8419 error, "Could not find index descriptor for objid < object-id > , indid < index-id > in dbid < database-id > .", is occasionally reported in the SAP ASE error log, additional information will now be reported by Adaptive Server for the command being executed at the time the error was hit. See KBA 3129040.
825923 The message text for error 1903 and 9863 has been enhanced to report the table name involved in the error with respectively " < size-value > is the maximum allowable size of an index. Composite index size specified on table ' < table-name > ' is < size-value > bytes." and " < operation-value > operations cannot be specified on table ' < table-name > ' with < locking-scheme > lock scheme.".
825934 The SAP ASE configuration option ‘temp table statement caching’ when set to true indicates that SQL statements which reference temporary tables will be saved in the statement cache. The default value is true which means that such SQL statements are saved in the statement cache.
825935 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'LeSendRow::_sendColsToClient' followed by a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeSendRow::sendRowToClient' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query retrieves an in-row LOB column whose value has been previously updated to NULL from a non-NULL value. See KBA 3157053.
825938 In rare circumstances, Adaptive Server may run into a hang situation that was seen on IBM platform with the messages, "Initiating shared memory dump for signal 11” and "Dumping shared memory to dump file: < dump-filename > ", reported in the SAP ASE error log while a shared memory dump is gathered following a signal 11 error that was triggered from module ‘_global_lock_common’. The current simplest solution will allow to gather a shared memory dump without however using parallel dump and compression capabilities. See KBA 3135121
825965 In rare circumstances an unplanned failover may be triggered by the SAP Fault Manager under an HADR setup when the Adaptive Server Replication Agent switches to synchronous mode while the Replication Server is still running in asynchronous mode.
825970 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'ubffreef' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'prCONST_val' and 'lock__print_deadlockchain' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while Adaptive Server reports deadlock information. See KBA 3134686.
825974 The message “sddone: < write-or-read > error on virtual disk < virtual-disk-number > block < block-number > ” followed by “sddone: Operation would block” may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on HP-UX platform after an unsuccessful I/O operation during the execution of a query. See KBA 3135187.
825977 In rare circumstances, a timeslice error together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ssl_nclose' and 'drop_connection' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when SSL is in use. Adaptive Server needs be started with trace flags 7871 and 3623 to allow gather diagnostics. See KBA 3149491.
825999 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'rvm__ipcr_comp' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rvm_migrate_pcrtree' and 'execproc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a stored procedure that has a server CURSOR declared with multiple UNION ALL statements is executed. See KBA 3149527.
826025 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'TraceOut::operator' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'ShowStmtHeader' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing the built-in show_cached_plan_in_xml() against a prepared statement. See KBA 3138487.
826029 The message, "Session < value > found unrecognized Query type -1 (processQuery()", may be reported by the SAP ASE Workload Analyzer Command Line Utility while analyzing a capture. See KBA 3138974.
826037 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'prSQLTEXT' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'exec_dbcc' and 's_execute' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC SQLTEXT is executed against a live session (spid). See KBA 3148608.
826122 A 4306 error, "There was activity on database since last load, unable to load. Must restart load sequence with the load database to continue.", may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION after DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKCATALOG are executed while the database is kept offline in load sequence. See KBA 3143853.
826143 SAP ASE Workload Analyzer Command Line Utility reports "Start Time" as UTC time in "capture show < capture-name > " or "replay show < replay-name > " commands.
826146 A 13986 error "Ownership change of object 'object_name' failed. See previous messages for more information" is raised from an alter table .. modify owner and the table has a trigger that has two or more actions (for insert, update, delete). See KBA 3145743.
826149 An undetected deadlock may occur when two connections execute ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION simultaneously while the SAP ASE configuration options "functionality group" and "enable utility lvl 0 scan wait" are enabled. See KBA 3146433.
826160 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'LeScanOp::_LeOpShowOp' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'le_showPlanOp' and 'showplan' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running sp_showplan against a session whose queried object may have been dropped by another session in the meanwhile. See KBA 3147969.
826183 Log4j 1.x is removed from SAP ASE/SRS/SDK. See KBA 3129897.
826214 A 2824 error, "Process < session-id > cannot hold PROC_BUF < address > named ' < object-name > ' because it holds another PROC_BUF < address > named ' < object-name > '. A process can only hold one view, rule, or default at a time.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'proc__linktopss' and 's_getTreeOrPlan' when a java user defined function is executed while the configuration option 'enable java' is disabled. See KBA 3158443.
826224 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'fglk__free_promoted' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'fg_lock' and 'apl_getnext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when Adaptive Server attempts to promote to table level locking while executing a query. This will result into an implicit ASE shutdown because the spinlock 'rlockpromotion_spin' was held while the error was hit. This issue may happen if the query is using SQL User Defined Function executed in parallel. See KBA 2812380.
826322 SAP ASE Workload Analyzer Command Line Utility may report incorrect "Total Count" and "Ratio" under "Errors" tab in exported Excel format capture or replay dashboard. See KBA 3167303.
826332 The message, "timeslice < negative-value > , current process infected", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'dup_elem_memfree' and 'memfreeheap' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query is using an IN clause with a nested subquery that itself is using an IN clause and the ASE trace flag 132 is enabled. See KBA 3167885.
826377 The stored procedure sp_quotepartitiontext may incorrectly report or update a partition key for a round robin partition table that contains one or more bigdatetime or bigtime columns and the partition key is not bigdatetime or bigtime. See KBA 3170733.
826427 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'lt_notify_flush' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xls_flush' and ‘xact_commit’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a session commits a transaction in a database setup for replication while a concurrent session is executing 'DBCC SETTRUNC'. This will result into an implicit shutdown of Adaptive Server as the task holds the spinlock for ‘Dbt- > dbt_repl_context.repl_spinlock’ when the error is encountered. See KBA 3194320.
826428 A 701 error, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure ASE with more procedure cache.", may be unexpectedly reported during the execution of a query because some procedure cache memory leak occurred earlier while executing SELECT queries on partitioned tables with more than 4096 partitions. See KBA 2537375.
826491 The message, "Resource- > rattrib_readers: < value > ", may be repeatedly reported in the SAP Adaptive Server error log when simultaneous scans of syssrvroles system table are being performed. See KBA 3195319.
826497 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'LeVtuple::LeVtGetColumn' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeHashEntry::ReadRow' and 'LePlanNext', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query which includes Unions in a derived-table expression and contains a group-by clause referencing one or more correlated columns that are literal values from the UNION block is executed. See KBA 3195220.
826509 When an insensitive cursor involving LOB columns is opened, SAP ASE may unexpectedly earlier release the shared table level lock held on the base table.
826600 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'update' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'LeWkTbl::updateWkTbl' and 'LeScrollCache::LeCacheUpdate' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing UPDATE on table variable.



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  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
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  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP03 PL12, ASE SP03, SP03, PL12, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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