- A very common implementation scenario is when messages are enriched with SuccessFactors ODATA calls with multiple queries in a local integration process which is called by a looping flow step. This causes timeout when huge data volume is used.
- The MPL will fail with the error HTTP Request failed with error : Connection timed out (Connection timed out) (local port <portnumber>to address, remote port 443 to address <remote ip>), cause: Connection timed out (Connection timed out) (local port <port number> to address, remote port 443 to address <remote ip>).
- Issue will not happen if tested with small value for the looping flow step.
- Even with a high timeout value in the Sucessfactor ODATA (SF Odata) or ODATA receiver adapter settings, you still see the error when huge volume of data is used.
- Error will not be consistently reproducible and will not happen for a small volume of data.
- Cloud Integration.
- SAP Integration Suite.
Cloud Integration 4.0 ; SAP Integration Suite 1.0
Pagination, process in pages, loop, timeout, SF ODATA, ODATA, CPI, local integration process , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-OD , OData Adapters , Problem
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