Scope Item 4X9 is already active, however you are not able to find communication scenario SAP_COM_1129 in the Communication Arrangements app.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
The communication scenario SAP_COM_1129 is an SAP managed scenario, so from the customer side, you don't need to perform configuration for the scenario. Also you cannot find it in the Communication Arrangements app, which only shows customer managed scenario.
The configuration is processed by the SAP Operations team and then the intelligent scenario will be generated.
If you have completed step 2.2 Deploying Intelligent Scenario in SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the Set-up instructions, the intelligent solution in 4X9 is ready for use. You can refer to the Test script in SAP Best Practices Explorer
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SAP_COM_1129, 4X9, scope item, communication arrangements, communication arrangement, scenario ID, communication scenario, missing, not available, DE_4X9, Intelligent Scenario Management, F4470 , KBA , SD-SLS-IMP-DOX , Sales Document Creation Based on Unstructured Data , How To