Activation of BC Set /SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING fails with message SV 185 Cannot insert/delete <<see long text>>
BC Sets | Object | Message Text | Key Field |
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/V_T340PSA Cannot insert/delete <<see long text>> 010W001
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/V_T334RS No difference between BC set (activation) and table data
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/T334Q No difference between BC set (activation) and table data
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/T334R No difference between BC set (activation) and table data
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/V_T334QS No difference between BC set (activation) and table data
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/TMOVEDUR No difference between BC set (activation) and table data
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/TPTYPDET No difference between BC set (activation) and table data
/SCWM/PRC_MFG_STAGING /SCWM/V_T340_MFG Cannot insert/delete <<see long text>> 010W001
This KBA applies for all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H.
KBA , BC-CUS-TOL-BCD , Business Configuration Sets , Problem
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